Why use Neuroreader®?
There are many reasons why it makes sense to implement Neuroreader® at your MRI facility.
Not only does it save your radiologists and neurologists a lot of precious time , but you can also gain a substantial revenue from every MRI brain scan.
More benefits of Neuroreader®
- In-depth results of abnormal brain structures and brain volumetric changes
- Improves accuracy (up to 87% according to this clinical study)
- Saves time
- Faster detection when signs of volume loss – meaning faster treatment and an increased quality of life for your patients
How to perform MRI scans with Neuroreader®
Brain volumetric is usually performed on a 1.5 or 3.0 Tesla scanner. A Brain MRI with 3D T1 or T3.0 post-processing allows you to assess neurodegeneration in its earliest stages. The Neuroreader® tool segments and measures volumes of the key brain structures—hippocampus, ventricles and other brain structures and compares the volumes to an FDA-cleared normative reference database based on age, gender and head size.
Neuroreader® Protocol
To ensure optimum segmentation and results, a few pre-processing steps are required. There is a specific Neuroreader® MRI protocol for each scanner. Contact us for more information.